A huge thanks to those of you who have become my followers! It really means a lot to me that more people get to my stuff, and if I'm being honest, it just makes my day.
I got a ton more stuff in the works so be on the lookout for that.
Thank you to Tyhond for being the first to follow my page :)
Not only were they the first to follow my account, but they were the first to actually engage with my posts and be supportive. I appreciate that a lot. One of my favorite parts about making artwork is getting to form a community which is the whole reason I even started creating art, other than the fact a have a passion for writing.
Also just a reminder for the Nobara drawing, I'll only send you the cookie if you find all 3. It's extremely difficult just a heads up. Im thinking about doing more than just sending the cookie tbh. That's how difficult it is...
Also for some reason, my Chun-Li meme image got deleted :(
Thank you too.